OUR WORSHIP SERVICE is at 11:00AM on Sundays and can be attended IN-PERSON or by ZOOM.
As President of the Board of Trustees, our entire Board, and our entire Staff, it is our pleasure to welcome you to All Souls Community Church of West Michigan’s website. We are a Unitarian Universalist congregation founded in 2001. We are an inclusive religious community that celebrates theological diversity. Our spiritual health and our growth as a church community are intimately connected with the spiritual growth and development of our children.
Today we often hear people say, “I am spiritual but not religious.” Here at All Souls many of us are both, spiritual individuals who also value aspects of being religious – like being in community, sharing in meaningful rituals, pastoral support, mutual caring, exposure to new ideas, and participating in social justice works while being part of a faith community. All Souls is a faith community of people who pledge to journey together in relationship with one another, with our larger community and with the transcending mystery of the universe.

In October of last year, our beloved Minister, Rev. Colleen Squires passed away unexpectedly. Since then, we have been working with and supported by regional staff from the Unitarian Universalist Association as we determine what is next for All Souls.
As we do so, we are welcoming area UU ministers to our pulpit and we have entered into a part-time Contract Minister agreement with the Rev. Greta Jo Seidohl who will lead services twice a month, assist with Pastoral Care, and lead Starting Point UU orientation classes. Rev. Greta Jo is a dynamic, engaging new presence for us. You are warmly invited to come meet her!
All Souls welcomes everyone into our faith community, without regard to race, gender, age, color, national origin, ethnic background, socioeconomic status, marital status, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity. Please know you are welcome here exactly as you are. Worship is at 11:00 am in person or on Zoom.
In Peace and Goodwill,
Ted Nichols, President

Attending via Zoom
All Souls Sunday Worship
10:45 AM Gathering Time
11:00 AM Worship
Fellowship time following service
Meeting ID 646-141-671 passcode required and available by emailing info@allsoulscommunity.org