About the Program

Adopt-A-Highway is a Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) program designed to help keep the state’s highway roadsides clean and attractive. Participants adopt both sides of a section of state highway roadside to clean up over a two-year period. A minimum two-mile stretch of roadway is recommended.
All Souls began our commitment last year in the Spring of 2018. Our location is near the Park-N-Ride lot at the junction of the East Beltline and Route 96 (Next to the Gravity Taproom and Grille). This is very close to the church. All participants must be 12 years old or older and everyone must watch a safety video prior to joining the team. This is a very rewarding green action.
Please watch this safety video –
The 2023 pickup dates:
April 16th with Rain Date as 23rd
July 16th with a Rain Date as 23rd
September 24th with Rain Date as Oct 1