Children’s Religious Education
“Life becomes religious whenever we make it so: when some new light is seen, when some deeper appreciation is felt, when some larger outlook is gained, when some nobler purpose is formed, when some task is well done.”
– Sophia Lyon Fahs (1876-1978) Progressive Religious Educator
Our Philosophy on Religious Education for Children

We believe deeply in engaging children where they live, in the world of their daily lives, in the process of equipping them to deal with everyday problems. We seek to stimulate their sense of wonder and curiosity about life. Our approach to religious education is a radical departure from traditional content and methods. Instead of telling children what they ought to believe, we encouraged them to ponder for themselves the mysteries of the universe and human destiny.
We expose children to the stories, myths and legends of other cultures, and to the discoveries of science. In place of rigid lesson plans and structured learning, children participate in crafts projects, role-playing and creative self-expression. In place of beliefs that are divisive, discriminatory and damaging, we promote beliefs that are expansive, inclusive and pathways to wider understanding.
We believe in Sophia Fahs’ teaching that it is more important to encourage self-reflection, critical thinking and the development of one’s inner resources than to reinforce rigid beliefs. Only in this way will our children learn to promote global peace and human solidarity.
We offer nursery care each week for children from birth through kindergarten. We have at least one hired nursery staff member and up to two unrelated congregational volunteers each week. All our nursery workers and volunteers have had a background check and follow our safety policy. Volunteers have been attending church here for at least 6 months, often for many years.
To sign up to volunteer please click on this Nursery Volunteer Sign-Up link.
Religious Education Classes
Soul Matters:
We are currently using the curriculum Soul Matters. The idea behind this curriculum is a shared theme between religious education, Sunday worship service and small group ministry. What is important about thematic ministry is that it creates community for all ages, and throughout all the ministries. It also remedies the potential lack of depth we UU’s can experience when we create a smorgasbord of different beliefs, holidays and practices without a foundation of our own. Finally, for our busy demographic, one entire month on a single theme allows our members to maintain connection even with discontinuous attendance. When the conversation goes on for an entire month, everybody gets to take part!
What paths must we lean into and relearn as we travel together into our complex, challenging and hoped for future? This is the overarching question our 2022-23 themes invite us to explore! Each theme will lift up a particular spiritual path crucial to helping us birth a new normal worthy of our hopes.
In particular, we will explore the challenges and paths of…
December: Wonder
January: Finding Our Center
February: Love
March: Vulnerability
April: Resistance
May: Creativity

Current classrooms are as below:
K-3rd (Younger) Class:
We welcome those kiddos aged five to eight years old for age appropriate content during Sunday service.
4th-8th (Older) Class:
We welcome kiddos from higher elementary to middle school, ages nine to fourteen for age appropriate content during Sunday service.
Middle School

7th – 9th Our Whole Lives (OWL) –
Our OWL curriculum was jointly created by the UUA and UCC
In a nutshell Our Whole Lives helps students make informed and responsible decisions about their sexual health and behavior. It equips them with accurate, age-appropriate information in six subject areas: human development, relationships, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health, society and culture. Grounded in a holistic view of sexuality, Our Whole Lives not only provides facts about anatomy and human development, but also helps participants clarify their values, build interpersonal skills, and understand the spiritual, emotional, and social aspects of sexuality. Need more info go to
OWL in the future:
We are currently planning an OWL session for the fall of 2023. Middle school religious classes, normally, alternate OWL with a neighboring faith curriculum. Odd years are OWL and even years are neighboring faith. Future schedules will be posted once completed. Currently middle school kids are welcome to attend the older kid religious education class during Sunday service.
High School Youth Group

Those that have completed our Owl class or are in high school, are welcome to join our High School Youth Group. It is a time to talk about what’s going on in your lives, to get to know one another, and build new friendships. Join Miki Harris and Colleen once a month right after Sunday service. Youth group schedule is posted on our calendar and in our Weekly Expression.
In the future look for Coming of Age classes! We will post when we have more details.
Multi-generational Worship

We recognize that all human beings have a need for worship and as such, several times throughout the year, there will be multi-generational services when the children will attend the main church service with their parents. These services give us the opportunity to share with our children the mystery and wonder all around us, that renews the spirit and connects us in community.
Safe Congregations
Our children are most important to us, and as such we make every effort to protect them. Our policy requires all current and potential staff and volunteers, who will have formal contact with the children, to complete a set of screening forms and submit to a background check. Please see the Nursery/Classroom Volunteer page for our complete Safe Congregation Policy 29022