Introducing a new way to access our directory!

Login is located at

If you haven’t already, please take a moment to create an account and check out our new Members Directory online! Only those who are already in the directory will be able to create accounts to access the directory.

To create an account:

  1. Go to:
  2. Click on the “First time signing in? Create Login” button
  3. Follow the directions to enter your email address that is already listed in the directory and choose a password. (a password manager is recommended to select and save a strong password!)
  4. Check your email inbox for a verification email and click on the link provided.
  5. Log in with the email and password you selected in step 3.

Once logged in, you can search members and staff, update your own information and photo, or download the mobile phone app:  Apple (iPhone) App Store OR Google (Android) Play Store

The PDF version is still available upon special request, with security restrictions. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Heidi at or visit the Welcome Table on Sundays.